How does do two brothers marry two sisters and there is no Netflix rom-com made about it? Who was Shailushi's first date to a high school dance, and why did he have to leave so early? How does Liz use her "secret superpower" on a Chicago bus? If you are ...
How does do two brothers marry two sisters and there is no Netflix rom-com made about it? Who was Shailushi's first date to a high school dance, and why did he have to leave so early? How does Liz use her "secret superpower" on a Chicago bus? If you are dying to find out, you are in luck! Because all of the answers, and more, are in this episode!
Liz Drapa is the daughter of Polish immigrants. Liz and Shailushi became good friends in HS, lost touch and then life (and social media) brought them back together in their 40s. In this episode we learn that we have far more that connects us than separates us, and sometimes we don't even know what might pull us together.
That is what is so lovely about this episode. It highlights exactly what we want in I Am Speaking: the more we talk and give everyone a voice, the more we realize what unites us.
Enjoy listening to this episode. We had a blast making it.