Jennie has spent years as an Operating Room nurse, counseling her patients, holding their hands through the pain, hearing their fears and seeing the heartbreaks. Then, one fateful day in 2022, the tables were turned and Jennie became the patient who ...
Jennie has spent years as an Operating Room nurse, counseling her patients, holding their hands through the pain, hearing their fears and seeing the heartbreaks. Then, one fateful day in 2022, the tables were turned and Jennie became the patient who needed counseling, some hand-holding, whose fear and heartbreak became palpable.
Jennie Ebmeyer was diagnosed, at the age of 39, with Stage I breast cancer. Within days, after a PET Scan, the diagnosis was changed to Stage IV metastatic breast cancer. Being told she had limited options, and “we’ve done all we can” after some harsh chemo, the medical institution was ready to usher her to the “Stage 4 Pasture”, as she calls it. But Jennie wasn’t done. She just needed to advocate for herself
And her story still isn’t done. Her advocacy isn’t done. She is meant to write the story of a Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer THRIVER and that is exactly what she’s doing - one page at a time.